


Discovering the Psychological Mechanism of Confucian Missionary Entrepreneurs to Transcend the Dilemma between Instrumental and Value Rationality




周佳敏(Sophia C. Chou);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng);黃光國(Kwang-Kuo Hwang);余思賢(Szu-Hsien Yu)


使命型創業家 ; 期望理論 ; 義利觀 ; 資本主義 ; 認知失調 ; 儒商 ; Capitalism ; cognitive dissonance ; Confucian entrepreneur ; expectancy theory ; missionary entrepreneur ; value/instrumental rationality




47期(2017 / 06 / 01)


305 - 370






Just as capitalism brought about fierce market competition, contemporary Confucian missionary entrepreneurs face an intense dilemma between value and instrumental rationality. Few researchers have examined their inner conflict or explored mechanisms for achieving psychological consistency. We applied cognitive dissonance theory and expectancy theory as a framework for evaluating our qualitative research findings. We found that Confucian missionary entrepreneurs tend to face cognitive dissonance between their values, beliefs, and behaviors. However, their native cultural belief system enables them to transcend the dilemma between value and instrumental rationality, thereby achieving psychological consistency.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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