


Proper Voicing: Emotion Refinement in Parent-Adolescent Conflicts




何文澤(Wen-Tso Ho);葉光輝(Kuang-Hui Yeh);呂婕(Chieh Lu);Louise K. W. Sundararajan


重新評估 ; 情緒精鍊 ; 情緒調控 ; 適當表達 ; 親子衝突 ; 壓抑 ; cognitive reappraisal ; emotion refinement ; emotion regulation strategies ; parent-adolescent conflict ; proper voicing ; suppression




48期(2017 / 12 / 01)


57 - 119






Most studies on emotion regulation have not applied a process-based view, and have thus ignored the dynamics of the context. We used the framework of Chinese emotion refinement theory and a process-based perspective to examine emotion regulation strategies in parent-adolescent conflict in two studies. Proper voicing entails temporarily inhibiting one's emotional reaction while in conflict, savoring one’s emotional experience, self-reflecting, and then appropriately sharing these emotions with parents. We developed a measure of proper voicing and then conducted a correlational study to identify the relation of proper voicing to positive outcomes in Study 1. A total of 761 Taiwanese teenagers (mean age = 16.6) from four high schools in northern Taiwan completed our questionnaire. S.E.M. analysis of the results showed that the more participants used proper voicing the higher their well-being score. The effect of proper voicing on teenagers' well-being was equal to cognitive reappraisal. In addition, the effect of proper voicing on satisfaction with the parent-adolescent relationship was positively stronger than the effect of reappraisal or suppression. We interviewed 7 college students (mean age = 18.4) in Study 2. Using thematic analysis, we identified three steps in the process of proper voicing that were congruent with our theory: leaving the scene, collecting oneself, and sharing with parents. We concluded that proper voicing demonstrates the research potential of a process-based perspective to enrich research on emotion regulation and to develop ecologically valid strategies for improved mental health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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