


The Association of Compartmentalization and Integration of Multiple Values and Psychological Adjustment




林瑋芳(Wei-Fang Lin);林以正(Yi-Cheng Lin);黃金蘭(Chin-Lan Huang)


心理區隔 ; 心理適應 ; 矛盾共存 ; 整合 ; compartmentalization ; integration ; multicultural values ; psychological adjustment




51期(2019 / 06 / 01)


231 - 275






From modernization to globalization, Taiwan has become a multicultural society. Individuals inevitably encounter conflicts between multicultural values. Previous research has emphasized on the coping strategy of cultural conflicts to discuss how could incompatible cultural values coexist within an individual. Yang (2004) proposed two psychological mechanisms to describe coping strategies for handling multicultural values. Compartmentalization refers to exercise multicultural values in different life domains to avoid potential conflict. Integration refers to use of a coherent system comprised of the multicultural values to deal with daily life. However, Yang did not provide empirical evidence as to whether compartmentalization and integration are distinguishable and effective for managing multicultural values. The primary aim of this study is to develop a measure paradigm of Yang's compartmentalization and integration strategies and to examine the association between the use of each coping strategy and psychological adjustment. We applied Showers' (1992) card-sorting task to measure individual differences in degree of compartmentalization and integration. Participants were provided a deck of 40 cards with each card containing an adjective representing either one of the cultural values. Participants were asked to sort the cards into different groups to describe different aspects of themselves or their life. Compartmentalization implies two different cultural value cards were separated into different groups whereas integration implies composite cultural value cards in each group. In addition, we further proposed that the effect of compartmentalization and integration on psychological adjustment would be contingent upon the individual's level of multicultural value mix. Specifically, we hypothesized that integration is a better coping strategy for those who are high in multicultural value mix. For those who identify with only a specific set of cultural values, we expected no significant difference between compartmentalization and integration in psychological adjustment. In the pilot study, 327 college students completed traditionality-modernity scale. We invited 22 participants who has relative high traditionality and high modernity and 26 participants who identified modernity more to join the formal Study 1. All participants in Study 1 completed card-sorting task and a package of questionnaire including Chinese happiness inventory and subjective well-being and life satisfaction. We used traditionality and modernity as two cultural representations in card-sorting task to examine the effects of compartmentalization and integration on psychological adjustment. Neither the main effects of the coping strategies nor the extent of multicultural values, nor the interactions of these two factors were significant. One possible explanation was that current college students tend to be more modernized than traditionalized so there was not enough variation along this dimension. In Study 2, 107 college students completed card-sorting task and questionnaires. We used progressive and humble as multicultural representations to index the extent of multicultural values mix and also serving as materials in card-sorting task. Corresponding with our hypotheses, the interaction between the degree of multicultural value mix and coping strategies was significant in predicting psychological adjustment. Specifically, for those who were more identity with one specific cultural value, there was no significant difference in psychological adjustment whether individual used compartmentalization or integration strategy. In contrast, for those who were high in both cultural values, individuals who used integration strategy reported better psychological adjustment then those who used compartmentalization strategy. Our findings highlighted that both coping strategies may have an impact on psychological adjustment, but their utility varies with the individual's degree of multicultural value mix. In addition, our findings also indicated the changing cultural values in Taiwanese college students. Comparing to thirty years ago, collage samples today identify with modern cultural values more. The concepts of traditionality and modernity may be ineffective for capturing multicultural representations. The implications for multicultural conflict resolutions were also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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