Self-Colonization: Mainstream scientific research in psychology is a product of Western civilization. Most mainstream psychology theories are constructed on the presumptions of individualism; they are inadequate for understanding phenomena in most non-Western societies. However, non-Western psychologists tend to apply these mainstream paradigms when conducting empirical research in their own societies. Using previous research on Chinese moral thinking as an example, I illustrate that repetitive use of Western paradigms to conduct cross-cultural research in non-Western societies may result in the fallacy of circular argumentation. The conclusions thus obtained are biased and Western culture-centric and form a system of self-colonization. A Cultural Systems Approach: To help non-Western indigenous psychologists address this issue, Hwang (2019) developed an epistemological strategy for constructing culture-inclusive theories that consists of two steps: (1) constructing universal models of self/interpersonal relations, and (2) using such models as transcendental formal structures to analyze cultural systems. For example, Hwang constructed the mandala model of self (2011), the psychodynamic model of self-nature (2018), as well as the face and favor model for social interaction (1987, 2012). Hwang (2012, 2015a, 2020) then used these models to analyze the Confucian cultural system, which consists of four interrelated subsystems: (1) Confucian cosmology (宇宙論), (2) discourse on relationalism (關係論), (3) discourse on the human mind and nature (心性論), and (4) discourse on self-cultivation (修養論). Each subsystem can be used to derive additional culture-inclusive theories for conducting qualitative or quantitative empirical research. Autonomous Social Sciences: Non-Western scholars can apply Hwang's (2019) strategy to establish their own autonomous social sciences. They may construct culture-inclusive theories, use them as general laws (in accordance with Hempel's [1965] model of covering law), design adequate instruments and methods, and then utilize them as antecedent conditions for research to explain or to predict phenomena observed in the local society. This strategy provides a plausible method to escape the trap of self-colonization. From the perspective of sociology, a cultural systems approach may help non-Western scholars preserve their cultural standards. It may also enable researchers to perceive the internal cultural factors comprising the dynamic forces for social change. In the clash between modernity and traditionality, it may enable scholars to make rational choices instead of committing the fallacy of blind anti-traditionalism as China's intellectuals did in the May Fourth Period. A Critique of the Mentality of Scientism: Hwang's (2019) epistemological strategy was developed through a comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary pedigree of the philosophy of science. Because most psychologists in Taiwan's scientific community conduct empirical research grounded in positivism (a natural sciences perspective), it is difficult for them to understand this approach, or even to follow the rationale for the arguments in which it is grounded. Many remain grounded in scientism, which emphasizes the natural sciences over other types of learning and culture. Therefore, I critique and respond to comments made by a reviewer of Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies point by point in order to demonstrate that a mentality endorsing scientism and mainstream psychological science will certainly hinder the future development of indigenous psychology in Taiwan.
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