


Applying Creative Inheritance and Transformation to Indigenous Psychology: Authoritarian Orientation Theory as an Example




簡晉龍(Chin-Lung Chien)


文化系統取徑 ; 本土心理學 ; 社會取向 ; 關係主義 ; 權威取向 ; authoritarian orientation ; cultural system approach ; Chinese relationalism ; indigenous psychology ; social orientation




55期(2021 / 06 / 01)


35 - 97




在楊國樞院士(楊先生)號召下,本土心理學已累積不少本土理論與成果。在後楊先生的時代,本土心理學者可以做什麼?如何做?作者提出創造性「繼承」與「轉化」,作為當前學者可努力的方向。本文先指出楊氏的「社會取向」之待解問題,包括本土契合性之疑慮與自我能動性之缺乏;接著以「權威取向」(社會取向次取向)理論發展為例,說明如何透過創造性繼承與轉化,以解決待解之問題。首先,研究者採主位取徑(emic approach)的質性研究,梳理出當前權威取向之內涵及形成歷程。此作法繼承、也精緻化了楊先生的權威取向,更解決其本土契合性之疑慮。接著,借鏡黃光國教授的「文化系統取徑」(cultural system),將權威取向之內涵置於「關係」與「自我」的普世模型中重新詮釋,並將人們抗拒權威之可能性納入理論中。此作法不但補足權威取向在自我能動性之機制與展現,更跨出楊先生的既有框架而有理論轉化與突破。近期,權威取向不但已應用至師生議題,也具應用至其他上下關係(如軍隊的官與兵)之潛力,顯示該理論具延展性與可應用性。此外,權威關係原本就是人類的基本關係形式之一,作為一個本土理論,權威取向不但具本土契合性,同時也具有普世性的意義。最後,本文也對如何進行理論繼承與轉化,提出一些可能的具體作法與再思考。然而,如何做創造性繼承與轉化並無標準程序,本文僅拋磚引玉,供本土學術同儕參考。


Kuo-Shu Yang was the founder of and a strong advocate for the practice of indigenous psychology in Taiwan. Indigenous psychology has continued to develop even after his passing. In the post-Yang era, what are the tasks of indigenous psychologists? How should these tasks be implemented? Social orientation is Professor Yang's most critical theory. It entails two major problems that require solutions: (1) whether social orientation possesses indigenous compatibility (IC) in modern Taiwan, and (2) the mechanism and display of self-agency, which was predetermined in Yang's theory. I used the theoretical development of authoritarian orientation (a sub-dimension of social orientation) as an example to depict how creative inheritance and creative transformation can be applied to resolve the aforementioned problems. They can also serve as tools to strengthen future indigenous psychological research. Creative inheritance entails use of an emic approach and qualitative research design to collect people's experiences of interacting with authority figures in order to analyze the content and formation process of authoritarian orientation. This method has been used to refine Yang's conceptualization of authoritarian orientation and to resolve concerns about indigenous compatibility. Creative transformation entails application of the cultural system approach (Hwang, 2015a, 2015b) to interpret the connotation of authoritarian orientation in terms of universal models of relationships and of the self. By applying this approach, the possibility of resistance to authority is also incorporated into the authoritarian orientation theory. This method not only supplements the lack of self-agency in the original conceptualization of authoritarian orientation, but also expresses the possibility of disobedience (e.g., overt agreement but covert opposition) or rebellion against authority, thereby extending Yang's original framework and achieving theoretical transformation. Recently, some researchers applied authoritarian orientation to the topic of education and explored the dispute over whether Taiwanese society should respect teachers. Their qualitative analysis revealed that Respect for Teachers is composed of Reverence for teachers and Fear of teachers. The researchers speculated that Reverence has positive effects on teacher-student interaction and student learning, whereas Fear has have negative effects. In addition, the researchers expected that the degree of Reverence for or Fear of a specific teacher could change with teacher-student interaction. They also discussed the possibility of applying authoritarian orientation to other hierarchical relationship contexts, such as officers and soldiers in the military as well as supervisors and subordinates in enterprises. Thus, authoritarian orientation theory has the potential to address multiple contexts in future research. As an indigenous theory, authoritarian orientation not only has IC with the contemporary social context, but also relates to a universal concept. The relational models theory indicates that authority ranking is a universal form of social relations (Fiske, 1991). Relationship regulation theory indicates that in an authority ranking model, hierarchical motives prompt superiors and subordinates to perform differently; subordinates tend to respect and obey superiors (Rai & Fiske, 2011). Authoritarian orientation theory corresponds to both these theories, suggesting that it has some degree of universal meaning. However, in Confucian societies authority ranking receives increased emphasis and discourse to the extent that it has evolved into the psychological and behavioral patterns of Chinese authoritarian orientation. I proposed possible concrete methods for enabling creative inheritance and transformation. For creative inheritance, researchers can adopt a qualitative research method or conduct a review and conceptual analysis to gain renewed insight into existing concepts in order to attain a refined understanding. For creative transformation, researchers can use creative imagination to propose a novel theoretical framework or adopt the cultural system approach. Although I suggested feasible directions and concrete methods, these are only a few of the various possibilities. Maintaining diversity and openness may still be the optimal strategy to deepen indigenous theory and research. Theory creation is one of the most crucial objectives and tasks for developing indigenous psychology. Systematic dialog between indigenous and mainstream psychology is possible only from a theoretical perspective. Contemporary scholars can apply creative inheritance and transformation to decades of accumulated achievements in indigenous psychology to propose more comprehensive indigenous theories, or to adapt existing theories to respond to current social issues. No standard procedures are available regarding how creative inheritance and transformation are conducted. The approaches and suggestions presented in the present study may serve as a reference point.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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