


English Remedial Course Design for Students at Universities of Technology




吳歆嬫(Hsin-Rong Wu)


英語為外語 ; 科技大學 ; 補救教學 ; EFL ; remedial course ; university of technology




41期(2010 / 03 / 01)


69 - 100






Recently, technological university students' deficiency in English has received much attention. The Ministry of Education supports universities of technology to provide students with a remedial program. Viewed from the past experience, a remedial program is always short-term and focused. The short-term behavior: ”Treat the head when the head aches; treat the foot when the foot hurts,” not only has wasted educational resources but has never achieved educational goals. Both English majors and non-English majors at universities of technology have insufficient competence in English. They need to lay a solid foundation in English by receiving an effective remedial program which will help them start over. In this study, 94 participants from Applied English department and non-English departments were required to take Vocabulary level test and the Elementary GEPT mock test. According to their test results, English majors were slightly better than non-English majors, but their proficiency was not steady. Therefore, a start over remedial program was designed for them based on theory of mastery learning in order to achieve the goal of building up a solid foundation for them in English. The total duration was forty hours and the posttest showed their progress. Data from oral interviews and student feedback showed participants' attitude toward this remedial program. Finally, the researcher provides suggestions for teachers who have an interest in remedial instruction.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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