This article is aimed at combining the copula functions with CC basket options pricing model, and applying them to the pricing of basket stock call warrants. The Copula function can deal with multivariate joint marginal probability distribution and has been widely used in economics and finance in recent years. In our empirical study, we selected fourteen Taiwan basket stock call warrants with two underlying stock assets. The models include B-S option pricing model, CC basket option pricing model, and six copula functions based on the CC model. Last, we utilize MAE, RMSE, MAPE and Theil's U as criteria for evaluating.
Among pricing models based on the copula, the performance of Archimedean copula models always can outperform N-copula or t-copula models. Besides, the performance of underlying assets correlation structure in copula models is better than CC basket and B-S option pricing models. In fact, the return of assets does not always fit a special distribution, while the copula functions can capture the correlation structure between two assets more precisely.
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