


The Critics of Decision-Making in Hong Kong Curriculum Reform




霍秉坤(Bing-Kuen Huo)


課程決策 ; 課程改革 ; 教師參與 ; 教師專業 ; curriculum decisions ; curriculum reform ; teacher participation ; teacher professionalism




3卷1期(2000 / 01 / 01)


59 - 78+142






Curriculum reform is an important issue in education, which is especially true in the systems for mass education. This article aims to indicate that the implementation of curriculum reforms in Hong Kong lacks effective results, which closely relate to the curriculum decision. This article is divided into four parts: the needs for the curriculum reforms, the overview of curriculum reforms, the curriculum decision characteristics, and suggestions to further curriculum development.Firstly, the importance of curriculum reform in Hong Kong will be outlined Hong Kong, an international city, positioned at the center where East meets West, is facing rapid changes in economic structure, and encountering the return of sovereignty to Mainland China, make curriculum reform a necessity. Moreover, this need is enhanced by the development of mass education. Secondly, the effectiveness of different curriculum reforms will be discussed. In the discussion, the implementation effectiveness is related to 'who' makes the curriculum decisions. Thirdly, this article describes the education decisions, similar to the policy making of the Hong Kong government, which is characterized as executive based, through consultation and administrative absorption. Finally, four suggestions will be made to improve the curriculum decision mechanism: 1.To refine the participatory mode of curriculum decision by more democratic elements and participants: 2.Curriculum development should move from centralized mode to school based mode: 3. Emphasize the importance of curriculum decision, and the curriculum scholars in the decision making: 4. Emphasize the participation of professional teachers, and make them the center of curriculum reform. The author of this article stresses that to implement the curriculum effectively, the government should be aware of 'who decides'. 'How to involve school, scholars, and teachers in curriculum decisions' will be an important issue for the Hong Kong Education Department in the near future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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