


Thories and Practices of Problem-Oriented Teaching and Coopperative Learning Teaching Strategies




楊巧玲(Chiao-Ling Yang)


批判教育學 ; 女性主義教育學 ; 教學策略 ; 課程與教學 ; 教育改革 ; critical pedagogy ; feminist pedagogy ; teaching strategy ; curriculum and instruction ; education reform




3卷3期(2000 / 07 / 01)


121 - 135+168






With the arrival of the new century, many nations are making every effort to promote education reform, as does Taiwan. To the extent that waves of education reform aim to improve the quality of teaching and learning, one of the most important tasks at present is to integrate curriculum and instruction. This paper argues that problem-oriented teaching and cooperative learning function as useful strategies for integrating curriculum and educating people for modern times and tat group discussion is a feasible teaching design to carry out both strategies. However, any teaching strategy and designs are rooted in a particular educational perspective, which includes what is education, what is knowledge, how and why human beings learn, and so forth. This paper first analyzes three sets of educational perspective: curriculum-centered vs. child-centered, behavior-oriented vs. cognition-oriented, modern vs. postmodern. Next, the educational perspectives of critical pedagogy and feminist pedagogy are discussed and viewed as more complete theoretical bases for both teaching strategies, problem-oriented teaching and cooperative learning. Thirdly, group discussion is proposed as a concrete teaching design by which the strategies of problem-oriented teaching and cooperative learning are implemented and the educational perspectives of critical pedagogy and feminist pedagogy fulfilled. Finally, this paper examines some obstacles to and difficulties in accomplishing the teaching design of group discussion and suggests ways of improvement. This paper concludes with suggestions for teacher education and training programs, which should aim at enabling teachers to integrate curriculum through integrated teaching strategies and designs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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