


A Content Analysis of the Concept of Death Embedded within Elementary Schools' Chinese Language Textbooks




陳世芬(Shih-Fen Chen);楊淑晴(Shu-Ching Yang)


死亡概念 ; 內容分析 ; 國語科 ; 教材 ; concepts of death ; content analysis ; Chinese language textbooks ; teaching material




3卷4期(2000 / 10 / 01)


141 - 162+175






The purpose of this study is to investigate the concepts of death embedded in the content of Chinese language elementary school textbooks. Content analysis is employed with death concept system developed by Tamm and Granqvist (1995) as classification scheme. Sample includes four different editions of textbooks from Book Ⅰ to Book 4, resulting in 24 books in total. The study found that with respect to the level of death concept, the four editions focus more on biological and metaphysical death concepts, while the psychological death concept is the least depicted. There are numerous references of metaphysical death concepts across the grade 1-3 textbooks of 4 different editionds, however, they do not increase with increasing grades. According to the results of this study, recommendations regarding death education for teachers and textbook publishers are laid out, and some suggestions for future research are also provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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