The purpose of this research was to clarify the historical origins of the contemporary curriculum in primary and secondary schools in Mainland China through straightening out the historical change of curriculum in China and textually researching on the importation of the curriculum from western countries. This paper mainly discusses the following findings:From ancient times to the present, the curriculum in China has undergone three basic formations------ the primitive curriculum, the art curriculum and the subject curriculum. The contemporary subject curriculum in primary and secondary schools in Mainland has been constructed not only on the basis of the tradition of the primitive and the art curriculum of China, but also mainly on the curriculum imports separately from Japan and the former Soviet Union during 20th the century, thus it originated from the traditional ”art” curriculum formation formed in ancient times in China and the ”branched” curriculum formation constructed during the 19th century by Herbart and the Herbartists in Germany. There were two trends of the development of the “branched” curriculum after Herbart and Herbartists had made it theoretical and systematical. On one hand, it spread east to Japan and the Japanese government, which was carrying out Nationalism and Militarism, and treated it as if finding a treasure, and practiced it all over the country. On the other hand, when it spread to Russia, it was received and extensively applied in schools by the autocratical Tsar's government. Up to the Soviet Union- era, this ”branched” curriculum formation was carried on and developed because it tallied with the need of strengthening the centralized politics, then proceeded to become the rigid and the ”Soviet Union type” subject curriculum formation. When China was open to the outside world and learnt separately from Japan and the former Soviet Union respectively at the beginning and the middle of the 20th century, China separately imported the ”subject” curriculum formations, which were suitably remade and strengthened differently by Japan and the former Soviet Union, and further re-sculptured them suitably in the context of Chinese feudalism culture tradition, and then proceeded to construct the ”subject” curriculum formation of ”China type”.