


Curriculum Leadership for Junior High Schools




游家政(Chia-Cheng You)


課程領導 ; 轉型領導 ; 國民中學 ; curriculum leadership ; transformative leadership ; junior high school




5卷2期(2002 / 04 / 01)


1 - 20+151






'Curriculum leadership' is not a newly created term, but a fresh concept to most educators, especially, principals, administrators, and teachers in junior high schooIs. They would be empowered to play as curriculum leaders in their schools, while the school-based curriculum is developed under the umbrella of 'The Framework of 1-9 Curriculum.This article aims to analyze the concept of curriculum leadership, including four parts. First, its definition and function, and its relation to curriculum management and instructional leadership, are analyzed by viewpoints of educational leader ship. Second, the practice of curriculum leadership for junior high schools is explored in light of the viewpoints of transformative leadership. Third, the problems and dilemmas encountered by educators in junior high schools are examined and discussed. Finally, this article presents some implications of transformative curriculum leadership for educators in junior high schools while implementing 'The Framework of 1-9 Curriculum'.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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