


The Content and Prospect of Instructional Leadership




楊振昇(Chen-Sheng Yang)


校長評鑑 ; 教學視導 ; 教學領導 ; principal evaluation ; instructional supervision ; instructional leadership




5卷2期(2002 / 04 / 01)


37 - 54+153




「教學領導」(instructional leadership)乃是教育改革工作的「微觀工程」與教育之革新息息相關。本文主要在分析教學領導的主要內涵,並探究今後在推動教學領導上應有之前瞻作為,尤其強調應破除對教學領導的誤解與迷思,也期許給由教學領導概念的建立與深化、教學領導能力的培養與強化、教學領導功能的發揮與擴大,以促進教育的進步與革新。全文分成三大部分,首先分析國內落實教學領導的必要性,其次則探討教學領導的主要內涵,最後則提出今後國內推動教學領導應有之前瞻性作為。


Instructional leadership is the micro engineering of educational reform, and is also related to educational innovation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the content and prospect of instructional leadership. There are three parts in this paper. First, the necessity of implementing instructional leadership in Taiwan is explored. Second, the content of instructional leadership is analyzed. Third, the prospect of implementing instructional leadership is proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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