


Curriculum Action Research: Teachers' Professional Development and the Paradoxes of Role Transformation




林佩璇(Pei-Hsuan Lin)


行動研究 ; 課程行動研究 ; 教師專業成長 ; action research ; curriculum action research ; professional development




6卷3期(2003 / 07 / 01)


129 - 145+180






The key idea of curriculum action research is that teachers have to take a greater part in curriculum decision-making in deal with the gap between theory and practice. In the past decade, based on the need of curriculum reform, curriculum action research has become a trend to demonstrate teachers' professional abilities and improve curriculum quality. However, this study analyzes that curriculum practice is not necessarily better just simply by adopting action research. Firstly, this paper explores the historical background of curriculum action research in Taiwan. Then, it argues that traditionally, under a centralized educational structure, curriculum action research is reconstructed as a personal professional process in which optimizes teachers' performance in terms of their technical efficiency. Finally, it investigates the paradoxes of role transformation when teachers participating in curriculum action research. The author analyzes that the technical construction of action research matches the trend toward assessing teachers' performance against particular standards. In this context, again, the teachers as a curriculum innovator is replaced by the teachers as a functionary.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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