


Some Thoughts on the Cultures of Teaching in Taiwan Elementary and Secondary Schools




簡紅珠(Hong-Chu Chien)


教師文化 ; 教學文化 ; 中學 ; 小學 ; 台灣 ; cultures of teaching ; teacher cultures ; secondary school ; elementary school ; Taiwan




8卷3期(2005 / 07 / 01)


1 - 13






The Purposes of this article are as follows:1. To illustrate how the cultures of teaching are shaped by some important factors such as the occupational nature of teaching, the workplace conditions of teaching, educational systems, national characters ,and social forces; and thereby to depict the cultures of teaching in Taiwan elementary and secondary schools.2. To illuminate how the discourse on the cultures of teaching in Taiwan schools will be more comprehensive if it can be constructed from three more perspectives: teaching as a cultural activity, cultural models of pedagogy, and primary teaching as a culture of care;3. Based on the relative literature review, to conclude that building a professional culture of teaching will be a long journey.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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