The culture concerned with the difference in instruction and learning was explored based on critical pedagogy. By the method of literature study, five findings in this study are as follows: 1. The culture concerned with the difference in instruction and learning, that emphasizes humanization, could enhance the quality of education. 2. Critical pedagogy, that takes seriously the notion of human differences, is fundamentally tied to a struggle for a just society. 3. The culture of instruction and learning, that is similar life style with dynamic nonsynchronousness, could be found in the presence of a lot of differences. 4. Four perspectives of transformative agency, that include Freire's praxis, Giroux's politics of border crossings, Bell Hooks's transgressive education (3C) and Guo's NADPO, are explored in order to assist teachers to face the differences in culture of instruction and learning. 5. The vision of ”we are so close within differences” will be achieved by the construction of the culture concerned with the differences in instruction and learning.
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