


Why Are We So Different in Such a Similar Setting?-The Culture Concerned with the Difference in Instruction and Learning




郭丁熒(Ding-Ying Guo)


批判教學論 ; 差異 ; 教學文化 ; critical pedagogy ; difference ; the culture of instruction and learning




8卷3期(2005 / 07 / 01)


41 - 54




本研究旨在從批判教學論來探討關注差異的教學文化。經採文獻探討,分別針對「為何要關注差異」、「批判教學論如何看待差異」、「教學文化何處見」、「教師如何面對充滿差異的教學文化」進行探討,提出下列主要發現:1. 教育必須由蘊含以差異為基礎之人性化的教學所構築而成,方能避免成為複製社會階級的機制,「關注差異」是確保教育品質之一環。2. 批判教學論嚴肅地採納人類差異的說法,並以改善不正義、不公平的社會為目標。3. 教學文化是動態多維盤錯的相似生活方式,而在相似生活方式的教學文化中仍充滿著差異4. 藉由對Freire的轉化實踐要素(命名、反省、行動)、Giroux跨越邊界的政略(反文本、反記憶、差異政略)、bell hooks越界的三C(關懷、關心、關聯)要素、郭丁熒的藍波(NADPO)行動等觀點的介紹,提供教師作為面對充滿差異的教學文化的轉化行動之參考。5. 提出「為何我們如此不同,卻又如此相近」作為關注差異教學文化之可能願景。


The culture concerned with the difference in instruction and learning was explored based on critical pedagogy. By the method of literature study, five findings in this study are as follows: 1. The culture concerned with the difference in instruction and learning, that emphasizes humanization, could enhance the quality of education. 2. Critical pedagogy, that takes seriously the notion of human differences, is fundamentally tied to a struggle for a just society. 3. The culture of instruction and learning, that is similar life style with dynamic nonsynchronousness, could be found in the presence of a lot of differences. 4. Four perspectives of transformative agency, that include Freire's praxis, Giroux's politics of border crossings, Bell Hooks's transgressive education (3C) and Guo's NADPO, are explored in order to assist teachers to face the differences in culture of instruction and learning. 5. The vision of ”we are so close within differences” will be achieved by the construction of the culture concerned with the differences in instruction and learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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