


The Exploration of the Impact of Social Reconstructionism on Curriculum Research




李涵鈺(Han-Yu Li);陳麗華(Li-Hua Chen)


社會重建主義 ; 社會重建課程 ; Social Reconstructionism ; the curriculum for Social Reconstruction ; The Social Frontier ; George S. Counts ; Harold Rugg ; Theodore Brameld




8卷4期(2005 / 10 / 01)


35 - 56




本研究利用文獻分析的方法,蒐集與整理社會重建主義之相關論著與研究,加以理解判讀及分析,以釐清社會重建主義之發展、代表人物的教育理念、發聲平台、主要思想意涵、課程理念與實踐案例,以及其對課程研究的影響。首先說明社會重建主義的發展可分為形成期、興盛期、衰頹期與重振期,因其所關注的社會關懷與全球民主議題,是不會隨著時代流變而降低其重要性的,故其後續的影響力仍潛伏著,且蓄勢待發;其次,介紹Counts、Rugg與Brameld三位重要代表人物的教育理念;復次,探討《社會先鋒者》(The Social Frontier)期刊對社會重建主義的學術社群之形成、學術論辯、凝聚共識、理念傳布等方面的貢獻;再次,歸納社會重建主義的思想意涵,有關注社會議題、重視在地紮根、強調行動實踐、再探文化詮釋、推展社會民主與共築世界社群等;接著,探討社會重建主義的課程理念,並以三所學校的課程實踐案例,勾勒出其課程實際樣貌;最後,總結社會重建主義的影響,主要有兩部分;其一是,對當時社會與教育影響方面,在當時的時空脈絡下,社會重建主義者激發教育工作者擺脫灌輸施教的舊習,關懷社會問題,引領學生察覺人類面臨的問題,繼而採行社會改造行動,有其重大的教育意義;再者,對分析哲學、概念重建主義、批判教育學與未來主義等後來的課程研究深具啟發性。


The study surveyed and analyzed the writings and studies of the Social Reconstructionism to understand its historical development, social reconstructionists' belief in education, the collective works, implications on curriculum as well as practices. It first discussed the four stages of the Social Reconstructionism, and their implications on social welfare and global democracy. Three important scholars, Counts, Rugg, and Brameld, were introduced to explore social reconstructionists' belief in education. Then, it made clear how The Social Frontier contributes to the academic community of the Social Reconstructionism, the academic debates, and the collective knowledge, and the promotion of concepts. By generalizing the principles of the Social Reconstructionism on social issues with emphasis on localization and actions, this study discussed the curriculum of the Social Reconstructionism, and drew three practical cases of schools to picture the implementation. To sum up, educators, inspired by Social Reconstructionism, have got rid of the indoctrination and led students to be aware of the problems, and take social reconstruction action. Social Reconstructionism also enlightened the philosophy of analysis, reconstructionism of conceptualization, critical pedagogy, futurism and the post-curriculum research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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