Based on the ideas of Freire's critical pedagogy and liberating education, this article attempts to explore Freire's critical curricular approach for liberation and its implications. Firstly, the author examines the philosophy of Freire's epistemology and the hypothesis of curricular knowledge. For Freire, knowing, as a praxis, is a process of becoming and transformation through critical dialogue. Curricular knowledge is constructed, forged within particular social and political formations, and is always grounded in human practice. Secondly, building upon Freire' theory of knowledge, the author probes into Freire's curricular perspectives from five aspects, which are: (1) curricular nature of politics; (2) curricular discourse of possibility; (3) curricular aim for critical consciousness; (4) curricular content composed of problem-posing; (5) curricular praxis for liberation. Finally, according to the main feature of Freire's liberating curricular perspectives, which is critical, dialogical, and praxical, the author provides implications for curricular inquiry, teacher's role, and curricular practice.
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