


The Development of a Paiwan-culture-based Bilingual Mathematics Learning Website for Paiwan Aboriginal Students in Taiwan-Preliminary Experience of the Development of Web Learning Material of Ethnomathematics in Taiwan




陳碧姬(Pi-Chi Chen)


民族數學 ; 原住民教育 ; 網路教學 ; 雙語學習 ; Ethnomathematics ; aboriginal education ; web-based learning ; bilingual learning




9卷1期(2006 / 01 / 01)


123 - 141




民族數學(ethnomathematics)強調社會文化與數學觀念的關聯,探討日常生活經驗與社會文化對個人形成數學知識觀念過程的影響。多年來台灣原住民學生所上的課程及使用的教科書多依漢人環境、習俗與價值觀所訂定,缺乏原住民族可以認同的情境和人物。為補國內原住民學童文化相關教材之不足,本研究嘗試建構一融合排灣文化的雙語數學學習系統,並探討此學習網站是否能提升排灣學童的文化自信與數學學習意願。本學習網站歷經分析、設計、發展、實施與評鑑等過程逐一完成,主要內容與特色為:1. 結合排灣族傳說、日常生活經驗與遊戲於動畫示範與闖關遊戲中;2. 問題解決導向情境式數學短片的拍攝與製作;以及3. 排灣語和國語並行的雙語解說。本學習系統經屏東縣原住民學區青山國小教師與二年級學童試用與評鑑。評鑑結果發現,融入排灣文化的數學學習教材對提升排灣學童的自信心與學習意願具有正面影響和助益。


Culture difference is one of major obstacles for Taiwan's aboriginal children in improving their performance in mathematics. However, very few courseware was developed to bridge cultures and mathematics learning in meaningful contexts for aboriginal children. Meanwhile, e-learning, a promising educational technology for remote areas, has not yet benefited most aboriginal students in Taiwan. We thus tried to construct a bilingual mathematics learning website with the integration of Pai-wan culture for Paiwan children in Taiwan.Teachers and second graders of Chin-Shan elementary school in Ping-Tong county used and evaluated this learning system. The evaluation result proved that: (1) this learning website enhanced Paiwan children's mathematics learning motivation; (2) Paiwan students were highly attracted by the educational games in the system, and (3) Teachers and Paiwan students all agreed that this culture-based learning system would help raise their self-confidence. (Website:

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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