One of the main goals of the contemporary nine-year continuous curriculum is to improve the students' learning abilities and scientific literacy. In order to achieve the goal, we need to facilitate students' process skills through hands-on activities. This hands-on curriculum design we utilize hand launch glider (HLG) as an example. Before the pupils design and construct their own HLG, aeronautical teachers dynamically fly radio controlled (R/C) models allowing pupils to gain experience in aerodynamics. To strengthen pupils' capabilities in comparison and observation, various static models are also demonstrated. The tasks for pupils to perform in the teaching and learning processes are the followings: 1. draw the design, 2. measure and construct the design, 3. adjust the model, 4. trial and error, and 5. readjust. Trial and error is one of the key philosophies in testing their own design. Observation records, model inspections and open questionnaires are among the collection of our data. The results from two case studies (4th and 7th grade) and one flying camp, show that pupils' in the aerodynamic design, tool and material applications, and scientific processes are improved significantly. The facilitation of the interest in aeronautic sports also allows pupils to learn more contexts in their extra-curriculum. This self-learning experience is one of the main factors affecting the outcomes in pupils' life-long learning experience.
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