Due to the fact that the majority of teachers ignore the influence of social cultures on students' performances, the inequality of educational results has consistently remained. Improving this phenomenon requires an open vision and critical mind on analyzing the interaction between children's cultural competence and curriculum contents. However, it was argued that most teachers did not possess such a vision or mind. Their minds were generally confined within the scope of instrumental rationality. Therefore, their behaviours can be characterized as techno-effectiveness orientation. This essay attempts to explore the macro-level factors molding such simple minds. The arguments of relevant literature suggest that this phenomenon was rooted in social value system. When the effectiveness of scientific technology in productive system was proofed, positivism commenced to expend its influence and, was finally fused into social value system. Under such a circumstance, the assumptions of positivism, such as neutrality and generalization, tend to dominate the individual's mind and attitude towards others. This scientific movement makes teacher education curriculum focus on the scope of practical application and techno-effectiveness. Such a curriculum is much likely to mold its takers a simple mind as witnessed by the fact that in terms of the perspectives of educational goals, teaching materials, processes and results, most teachers tend to be instrumental-rational oriented.
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