


Action Research for Effective Teaching in a Private University of Technology




薛梨真(Li-Chen Hsueh)


大學教師 ; 有效教學 ; 行動研究 ; 高等教育 ; action research ; effective teaching ; higher education ; university instructors




11卷1期(2008 / 01 / 01)


265 - 286






In February 2006, I transferred to a private university of technology from a national university and encountered numerous obstacles in the first semester. In the second semester, I took the experience of the previous semester as a reminder and conducted an action research for effective teaching in the course ”Project Writing”. Applying teaching strategies such as ”using small white boards for in-class group exercises and individual instructions,” ”creating a personal instruction website with teaching materials for students to download,” and ”offering reward cards and giving higher marks as an encouragement”, I reviewed the problems in teaching and discovered that (1) inspection before class and offering reward cards for previewing course materials were effective; (2) the topics should be adjusted flexibly in accordance with the contents of the students' discussions when small white boards were used. In addition, from 41 assignments, 38 returned questionnaires, and 4 personal interviews with the students, the results were verified that (1) students could feel the teachers' endeavors; (2) personal instruction website took effect; (3) the method of teaching with small white boards was assured by students; (4) students at university of technology still needed encouragement; (5) in-class exercises were necessary; (6) learning with other subjects would be more effective; (7) the students' opinions for teaching were worthy of consideration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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