


The 14-19 Education Reform in England-Toward Lifelong Learning




詹寶菁(Pao-Jing Chan);黃文定(Wen-Ding Huang)


教育改革 ; 英格蘭 ; 十二年國教 ; 終身學習 ; 14-19 education reform ; England ; the 12-year education ; lifelong learning




11卷3期(2008 / 07 / 01)


17 - 43






In Taiwan, the reform of 12-year education system is being undertaken and will be put in practice in 2009. This reform aims to balance the inequality between schools, areas, and tracks by promoting youngsters' involvement in post-compulsory education or training rather than by making education compulsory for the upper secondary learning stage. A similar reform of the 14-19 education age-group is being undertaken in England in a similar way to that in Taiwan is currently in the implementation stage. This paper aims to analyse the background of this education reform in England, to examine the plan and its implementation in relation to the curriculum, and to discuss potential difficulties and challenges. Based on this examination, this paper will conclude with reflections on the Taiwan's reform of 12-year education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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