The main purpose of the study was to use a structural model to explore the relationships between curricular consciousness and pedagogical praxis of junior high school English teachers. Using questionnaires to speak to 495 teachers in central Taiwan, data was analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results of this study include: first, first-order latent factor ”professional knowledge awareness” can be effectively composed of content knowledge awareness, teaching belief awareness, communicated teaching awareness, student awareness, and teaching knowledge awareness. The teacher belief awareness has the highest factor loading. Secondly, first-order latent factor ”pedagogical praxis” can be effectively composed of teaching content, teaching strategy, and teaching assessment and feedback. The teaching assessment and feedback has the highest factor loading. Thirdly, second-order latent factor ”curricular consciousness” can be effectively composed of two observed variables: environment awareness and self awareness, and one first-order latent factor: professional knowledge awareness. The professional knowledge awareness has the highest factor loading. Fourth, the correlation between curricular consciousness and pedagogical praxis is significantly positive. The suggestions for facilitating curricular consciousness and pedagogical praxis, and the further research are also included.
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方永泉譯、P. Freire原著(2002)。受壓迫者教育學。台北:巨流。
簡成熙譯、G. R. Knight原著(2005)。教育哲學導論。台北:五南。