


Rebuilding the Trust: A Story of the Teachers and Curriculum Reform




黃騰(Teng Huang);歐用生(Yung-Sheng Ou)


課程改革 ; 教師實務知識 ; 信任 ; 存在意義 ; 行動者分層模式 ; curriculum reform ; teacher practical knowledge ; trust ; meaning ; stratification model of the agent




12卷2期(2009 / 04 / 01)


161 - 192




本文想說一個關於九年一貫課程統整改革下的故事,這是一個有關教師們如何對改革失去「信任」的故事。我們企圖以說故事的方式,來呈現教師個人與社會結構間的複雜性。但為了避免故事淪為教師的自戀表現和為了能做為教育社群對話的媒介,我們歸納整理了來自一所學校中十二個教師的故事,並以A. Giddens的行動者分析模式來詮釋這個故事裡的意涵。最後我們想根據這個故事給我們的經驗,思考未來課程改革是否有可能喚回教師的信任,及如何可倉旨的具體方式。


The study was an attempt to tell a story about the reform of curriculum integrated in Grade 1-9 and about how teachers lost their trust during the process of curriculum reform, with the hope that the story could reflect the complexity of the interactions between teachers and social structure. To avoid the problem of narcissism in personal story, the researchers told the story that interweaved twelve stories of teachers. Besides, in order to provide the medium of dialogue among the education research communities, the researchers tried to analyze the story by the conceptual framework of A. Giddens' stratification model of the agent. Finally, according to the implications of the story, the researchers tried to not only find the ways that can rebuild the trust of the teachers but also provide suggestions for the curriculum reform in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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