


Learning Theories and Teaching Innovation in University Physics




張慧貞(Whei-Jen Chang)


教學革新 ; 個人建構 ; 社會文化觀 ; 物理教育 ; 學習理論 ; teaching innovation ; personal constructivism ; sociocultural views ; physics education ; learning theories




12卷2期(2009 / 04 / 01)


77 - 105




近年來,大學物理教學改革的風潮已在國外快速興起,並逐漸擴及國內。本文首先論述近代重要學習理論的內涵與對教學的啓發,接著介紹當前國內外改革方案之策略及教學資源,最後根據學習理論檢視革新主流之特點與盲點。本文主旨有二:(一)喚起國內從事大學物理教育之學者,能省思傳統教學模式之缺失,誘導其課堂改革的意願;(二)對已進行改革的物理教授/教師們,能充實其對知識論與學習觀的涵養,以體會改革策略背後的學理根據及目的。除了「個人建構」(Personal Constructivism)所強調的認知衝突、概念改變…等「實證理性」的主張之外。更能領略晚近所崛起「社會文化觀」(sociocultural views)所突顯的「非理性」、「文化融合」任務,包含熟悉科學工具(artifacts)、掌握科學社群特有之觀點、規範、習俗…等,以落實「教學革新」的預期成效。


Recently, a burgeoning amount of literature has reported on the innovative teaching programs in university physics in western countries, and this trend has gradually drawn physicists' attention in Taiwan. Although these innovative programs have been found to reflect several notions of learning theories which have emerged in recent decades, there still are some aspects which appear to have been overlooked. This article begins by elaborating on the notions of three major learning theories, i.e., behaviorism, personal constructivism, and socio-cultural views. It then describes the features, outcomes and resources of the most influential programs in physics teaching. Lastly, based on the notions of learning theories, the author examines the strengths and critiques the drawbacks in the existing innovation programs, and provides suggestions for further modifications. The aims of this article are (1) to stimulate physics instructors to notice the stagnation of traditional teaching and be willing to modify their teaching style, (2) to highlight the importance of grasping the notions of learning theories for implementing teaching innovation. By means of being informed by pedagogical knowledge, practitioners can find the optimal point between innovation and tradition, and realize the goal of achieving better learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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