


Differential Item Functioning as a Means to Examine the Strengths and Weaknesses of Electronic Reading Literacy of Macao Students




薛寶嫦(Pou-Seong Sit)


閱讀素養 ; 電子閱讀評量 ; 項目功能差異 ; PISA ; reading literacy ; electronic assessment ; differential item functioning ; PISA




13卷2期(2010 / 04 / 01)


215 - 235




電子閱讀評量(Electronic Reading Assessment,簡稱ERA)是「PISA 2009閱讀素養測試計劃」中一種新型的電腦化評核方式。本文利用學生在電子閱讀先導測試的答案,透過項目功能差異的分析方法檢視澳門十五歲學生於電子閱讀素養表現的優勢和弱勢。文中重點分析二十五個被鑑別出在澳門具有項目功能差異特徵的ERA測試項目,以檢視學生在以下兩個方面的作答優勢和弱勢:(1)項目類型(多項選擇題、提供答案題);(2)閱讀層面(使用和提取、綜合和詮釋、反思和評估)。礙於試題和測試成績的保密原則,筆者不能洩露項目內容和各國在先導測試各個項目所取得的成績,只能利用PISA研究總部在ERA先導測試後所公佈的項目,檢視其中內容,以具體說明澳門十五歲學生電子閱讀素養表現成就及其不足之處。


Electronic reading assessment (ERA) is a new form of international assessment in the PISA 2009 Reading Literacy Study. Using students' online reading responses in the field trial, the present study examined Macao 15-year-old students' unexpected strengths and weaknesses through differential item functioning. Specifically, characteristics of ERA items identified as having country by item interactions were analyzed to throw light on the item format (multiple choice versus constructed response) and the reading aspects (i.e. access and retrieve, integrate and interpret, reflect and evaluate) that the students were good at and/or weak in. Through the use of released items after the field trial by the PISA Consortium, it is possible to examine item content so as to have a more concrete idea of Macao students' online Chinese reading capabilities and limitations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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