


A New Approach to Drug Education: Infusing Spiritual Dimension of Life Education into Curriculum on Drug Abuse Prevention




陳漢瑛(Han-Ying Chen);何英奇(Ying-Chyi Ho)


生命教育 ; 意義治療 ; 藥物教育 ; 藥物教育課程 ; drug education ; drug education curriculum ; logotherapy ; life education




13卷3期(2010 / 07 / 01)


77 - 103




國內青少年藥物濫用問題日趨嚴重,為因應此一新興議題,本研究旨在藉由探討藥物濫用理論及國內外藥物教育課程現況與趨勢等,以瞭解其缺失,並進一步提出新的課程模式。 國內外的藥物教育課程模式:早期以傳遞藥物對人體傷害之生物訊息為主;中期加強問題解決等行為,及壓力之心理調適;後期以社會預防理論為基礎,增強社會技能抗拒同儕壓力。 上述課程皆為較片面的教育模式,並未統整各層面,尤其忽略心靈層面的核心價值,使成效受限。為改善此缺失,研究者從弗蘭克(Frankl)的意義治療概念,統整過去生物、行為、心理、社會等各層面,融入心靈層面,並以生命教育中的靈性、生命意義為核心,形成一個較為完整的藥物教育課程模式。期許此新模式,可作為日後學校及行政機構在藥物濫用防治教育的課程規劃與執行時之參考。


Drug abuse among adolescents is becoming a serious social problem in Taiwan. With an attempt to cope with the issue, the purpose of this study was to figure out the whole picture of the drug abuse curriculum, by analyzing current theories on drug abuse and exploring the availability of existing curriculum approaches to drug abuse prevention worldwide. Based on the concept of Frankl's logotherapy, the present study proposed a new approach to drug education: infusing spiritual dimension of life education into the drug abuse prevention curriculum. Biological, psychological, behavioral, and social aspects are integrated into the approach, with the spiritual dimension being its center and base. The present study claimed that this new approach can be beneficial to the development of drug abuse prevention curriculum for both schools and government agency of health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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