


A Comparative Study on the Policy and Implementation of the Curriculum Reform in the Mainland of China and Hong Kong




宋萑(Huan Song);李子建(Chi-Kin Lee);程冬梅(Dong-Mei Cheng)


中國大陸 ; 香港 ; 課程改革 ; 課程政策 ; Mainland of China ; Hong Kong ; Curriculum Reform ; Curriculum Policy




13卷4期(2010 / 10 / 01)


1 - 40






A decade has passed since the commencement of the curriculum reform in the mainland China and Hong Kong. The curriculum no longer lingers on ideal or formal level, but instead it has been penetrated into the class practice and real experience. This study adopts both formal analysis and comparative method, in terms of formal curriculum and instructional curriculum, to make a contrast between the reform policies in the mainland and in Hong Kong. The result reveals: in spite of the difference between the two, both care about knowledge economy and global curriculum reform tendency; ”research, development and diffusion” model is introduced into both of their design of curriculum reform policy to be students-oriented and to work out flexible curriculum structure; Problems like teachers' lack of enough capacity or the conflict between multiple assessment system and exam culture have arisen; as for the influence and result, the new curriculum reform on one hand has refreshed teachers' idea and improved students' ability, on the other hand it also indirectly affects the reform of teacher education; there is a gap in the actual practice between the two places, and the mainland, for its vast land and regional differences, is more apparent in this point; Decentralization is impeded both in the mainland and Hong Kong, especially in the mainland reform, it boosts the inequality in education..

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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