


The Effects on 6th Grade Students' Mathematical Achievement and Learning Motivation Using Innovative Cooperative Learning Model with the Aid of Interactive Whiteboard




黃思華(Tzu-Hua Huang);劉遠楨(Yuan-Chen Liu);顏菀廷(Wan-Ting Yan)


互動式電子白板 ; 創新合作學習模式 ; 學生小組成就區分法 ; 小組遊戲競賽法 ; Interactive Whiteboard ; Cooperative Learning ; Student Teams Achievement Divisions ; Team Game Tournament




14卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


115 - 139






This study is to design an innovative cooperative learning model with the aid of interactive whiteboard (IWB) in conjunction with Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) and Team Game Tournament (TGT) and to investigate the effect on 6th Grade students' Mathematical achievement and their learning motivation, specifically on the 6th grade Mathematics statistics with pie chart and solid diagram lessons. With IWB applied, teachers can present complex Mathematics contents to the students and interact more with their students. Through innovative cooperative learning model, students, teacher and the IWB interact more often, and the model improved students' learning effectiveness. Students were divided into two groups, the experimental group students learned through the innovative cooperative learning model with IWB while the control group students learned through the innovative cooperative learning model with an overhead projector. The result reveals a significant difference, statistically, in learning effectiveness and motivation in learning Mathematics. The study proves that using the innovative cooperative learning model with the aid of IWBs creates more interactions between teacher and students during the classes and produces students' learning achievements.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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