


HLM Analysis of the Effects of Cognitive Process on Student Ratings of Instruction




曾明基(Ming-Chi Tseng);邱于真(Yu-Zhen Qiu);張德勝(Te-Sheng Chang);羅寶鳳(Pao-Feng Lo)


認知歷程 ; 學生評鑑教師教學 ; 階層線性模式分析 ; Cognitive Process ; Student Ratings of Instruction ; Hierarchical Linear odeling Analysis




14卷3期(2011 / 07 / 01)


157 - 179






The hierarchical linear modeling analysis was used to examine the effects of students' and classes' cognitive process on student ratings of instruction. Data were gathered from 6292 students enrolled in 180 undergraduate courses at a university in Taiwan. The results indicate that, within the student individual level, students' gender, year in the school, cognitive process, interest in learning, and the attribute of the subjects have a significant impact on student ratings. The cognitive process, within the class level, also has a significant impact on student ratings. However, it does not show the moderating effect. The implications of these findings for student ratings policies as they affect university faculty and students are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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