
Factors in Using Workbooks and/or Worksheets for English Classroom Assessment






謝麗雪(Li-Hsueh Hsieh)


教室評量 ; 英語教學 ; 多元評量 ; classroom assessment ; English teaching ; multiple assessments




14卷3期(2011 / 07 / 01)


199 - 238




依據學生能力所設計的課堂評量能促進學習,而使用書面評量又比其他方式更有效率。但是不同因素,例如時間、人力等限制,可能會影響老師課堂使用的評量方式。因此本文之研究目的為探討教室評量使用的情形,包括:1.作業本或學習單是否為受試者喜歡的評量方式;2.英文老師是否使用作業本或學習單作為課堂評量;3.受試者背景是否影響其作決定使用作業本或學習單的過程;4.三個最明顯影響使用作業本或學習單的因素。研究情境及方式為要求1472研究所考生寫一篇英文作文,題目為:如果他們是英文老師時,是否會使用作業本或學習單,原因為何?作者收集及分析1442 有效受試者之答案。結果顯示:1.比起作業本,受試者較喜歡使用學習單;2.共14種理由可解釋受試者使用的作業評量因素;3.欲就讀之不同研究所的考生表達喜歡不同的作業評量方式;其中4.教學、練習及感覺為最明顯的作業評量因素。有鑑於此,作者提出一些英語教學上之建議。


Classroom assessment can facilitate students' learning process by assessing their competencies, and using written forms is substantially more efficient than the alternatives, such as performance assessment or portfolio assessment. However, various factors, such as time and labor constraints, may encourage or hinder teachers' use of classroom tests. The aims of this paper are to explore the use of classroom assessment, including (1) to identify a favorable assessment form (workbooks (WBs) or worksheets (WSs)); 2) to discover possible factors underlying English teachers' decisions to use WBs or WSs in class; 3) to explore whether test takers' backgrounds influence their decision-making process; and 4) to justify the three most prevalent reasons for using WBs or WSs. For this study, 1,472 students taking a graduate school entrance examination wrote an English essay discussing whether they would use WBs or WSs if they were English teachers. Hand-written notes from 1,442 valid passages were collected and analyzed. The responses indicated a preference for teaching with WSs rather than WBs, and the candidates' reasons for using the forms were classified into 14 categories. Candidates interested in different graduate programs expressed varying preferences. Above all, pedagogy, practice and emotion emerged as the top three categories, and suggestions are offered to improve educational curriculum design.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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