
Effective Use of Computer-Assisted Reading Instruction: Teacher Scaffolding for Children with Autism






黃正芳(Cheng-Fang Huang)


電腦輔助教學 ; 鷹架 ; 自閉症 ; 字彙學習 ; Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) ; Scaffolding ; Autism ; Sight Vocabulary




14卷3期(2011 / 07 / 01)


239 - 286




本研究的目的在探究如何使電腦輔助教學軟體對自閉症學童的閱讀學習發揮最大效益。透過對8位學齡前自閉症兒童(包含輕度至重度)的個案研究,及對他們使用學習常見字彙(sight vocabulary)的電腦輔助教學軟體的觀察紀錄,發現輕度至中度自閉症兒童能透過該軟體有效學習閱讀。該電腦輔助教學軟體提供在感知上清楚的刺激、有系統的提示與增強、簡單而可預測的架構,符合自閉症兒童的學習特性;另一方面,由於每位自閉症兒童認知能力、語言理解與表達、人際關係、固著行為等障礙的個別差異,在學習過程中,教師針對各學童特質而提供的暫時性鷹架(scaffolding),則能適切引導學童,彌補電腦教學軟體個別化的不足。本研究參考Wood, Bruner, and Ross(1976)所提出的鷹架,分析教師在電腦輔助教學過程所提供的鷹架功能如下:(1)簡化學習活動至學生可達成的目標,(2)指出學習活動的關鍵特徵,(3)示範正確作答方式或示範閱讀,(4)維持學習的目標,(5)減少使用滑鼠的挫折,(6)提昇對學習活動的興趣。研究結果指出教師提供暫時性的鷹架(scaffolding)配合電腦輔助教學軟體的學習,能有效幫助輕度至中度自閉症學童的字彙閱讀。


This study investigates the efficacy of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) with teacher scaffolding as an intervention for children with autism to develop critical early reading skills. The progress of eight preschool children with autism (ranged from mild to severe) is evaluated. The results suggest that for children with mild to moderate autism, the CAI is an effective means to deliver reading instruction when supplemented with teacher scaffolding. The effectiveness of the computer-assisted instruction relies on two levels of scaffolding. First, the computer provides clear and predictable structure, simple but perceptually salient feature, and systematic provision of stimulus, prompting, and reinforcement which corresponds to the learners' general learning characteristics. At a second level, the teacher scaffolding for each learner ensures the success of the instruction because the individualized support meets the diverse needs of the children and flexibly guides the learner toward the higher development of the competence. The functions of the observed teacher scaffolding, evolved from Wood, Bruner, and Ross (1976), include (1) simplifying the task to a child's attainable level, (2) highlighting critical task features, (3) demonstrating solutions/reading practices, (4) maintaining goal direction, (5) controlling frustration with mouse operation, and (6) promoting a child's interest in the task. In summary, when implementing computer-assisted instruction for children with autism, both the computer and the teacher play crucial roles in the success of the instruction. The computer and the teacher should be thought of as complementing each other in order to maximize the learning outcomes of the children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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