


Reflection on the Results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA): Chinese Language Curriculum, Teaching, and Hong Kong Students' Reading Literacy




劉潔玲(Kit-Ling Lau)


國際學生評估計劃 ; 閱讀素養 ; 香港語文課程改革 ; 中文閱讀教學 ; PISA ; reading literacy ; Hong Kong Chinese language curriculum reform ; Chinese reading instruction




14卷4期(2011 / 10 / 01)


49 - 72






This paper shows the results of Hong Kong students in PISA2009 reading assessment. It analyzes the improvements and weaknesses of their reading literacy, and discusses how the curriculum reform in Hong Kong has affected students' development of reading literacy. The findings of PISA2009 indicate that Hong Kong students improved their overall reading performance when compared with the first two PISA cycles. Among the three reading processes, Hong Kong students scored significantly higher in integration and interpretation in PISA2009 than in PISA+. Their reading time and reading enjoyment also increased in PISA2009. However, Hong Kong students' performance in reading non-continuous texts was relatively weaker than in reading continuous texts. Moreover, students' strategy use and metacognition were also unsatisfactory. In recent years, the reading instruction in Chinese language classes has undergone rapid changes due to the curriculum reform. Hong Kong students' better performance in PISA2009 supports that the reading instructional and testing approach adopted in the new Chinese language curriculum is more consistent with the concept of PISA assessment and the literacy requirement of the modern society than the old curriculum. To further develop Hong Kong student's reading literacy, the paper argues that more effort should be put in the teaching of non-continuous texts and reading strategies, and in encouraging and supporting students' participation in Chinese language classes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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