


An Action Research on a Principal's Promotion of After School Alternative Programs Using Remedial Instruction




湯維玲(Wei-Ling Tang);蔡佩娟(Pei-Jiuan Tsai)


攜手計畫 ; 補救教學 ; 行動研究 ; 國小教育 ; after school alternative programs ; remedial instruction ; action research ; elementary education




16卷1期(2013 / 01 / 01)


69 - 92




本研究運用行動敘事的書寫方式呈現研究者在領導木瓜國小實施「攜手計畫—課後扶助」的補救教學(remedial instruction)歷程。首先,本研究之目的乃是藉由為期一個學年的教學實踐歷程,透過教師教學實踐,對弱勢學生進行補教教學,培養學生的學習興趣,轉化弱勢學生的學習,進而提升學習成效。本文先從研究者的背景與動機著手,了解「攜手計畫-課後扶助」政策執行現況與問題,從而對補救教學理論深入瞭解。研究對象為木瓜國小參加攜手計畫的學生,研究者透過訪談、文件分析等方式蒐集資料後獲致研究結果,歸納為下述結論:(一)攜手計畫補教教學能引發受輔學生學習動機,使其有較高的學習成就。(二)校長能靈活調整補救教學時數與方式,定期舉辦成果會,建立專業的攜手團隊。根據以上研究結論提出具體建議,作為教育主管機關與學校未來推動攜手計畫之參考。


This study uses narrative ways to present the use of After School Alternative Programs (ASAP) in Papaya Elementary School. In order to promote such programs, a group of tutors has attempted to cultivate the interests of minority disadvantaged students and involve them in learning through the practice of teaching. This study begins by exploring the literature relevant to remedial instruction and disadvantaged students, the content of the ASAP, and the study of learning efficiency. The qualitative research-a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews-was used to obtain data relating to the perception of self, the life and experiences of the students' learning process in relation to remedial instruction, and the factors affecting this process. The interviews and literature review were used as a basis for collecting data for analysis and discussion. Based on the results, this study concludes the following: 1. The ASAP could identify subjected students and promote learning motivation so as to improve learning achievements. 2. The principal could actively adjust the time and methods of remedial instruction and hold seminars on schedule, ultimately establishing an expert team in the process. Concrete proposals are suggested as a result of the research outcomes, enabling principals to offer their teachers formal guidance in remedial instruction. Others for future studies to be conducted by educational administration institutions and schools are also made.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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