


Particularity of Preschool Teachers' Professional Growth Behaviors and Its Influencing Factors: A Comparison with Teachers at Other Educational Stages




林俊瑩(Chunn-Ying Lin);李湘凌(Shing-Ling Li);楊皓(Hao Yang);劉雅萍(Ya-Ping Liu);鍾宜真(Yi-Chen Chung)


工作特質 ; 不同教育階段 ; 教師專業成長行為 ; 教學制控信念 ; 學前教師 ; different educational stages ; job characteristics ; preschool teachers ; teachers' professional growth behavior ; teaching locus of control




16卷4期(2013 / 10 / 01)


183 - 207






Many studies have shown that preschool teachers have relatively inferior job prestige compared with teachers at other educational stages. Will these differences in job characteristics cause teachers at different educational stages to have different professional growth behavior? In addition to job condition, is teaching locus of control also a factor that contributes to the particularity of professional growth among preschool teachers? These issues have never been addressed in previous research. To fill this research gap, the present study proposed a model with locus of control and job characteristics as mediator variables of teachers' professional growth behavior. Through this model, this study attempted to investigate the differences between preschool teachers and teachers at other educational stages in these two mediator variables and examine whether the differences would result in different professional growth behavior. Data were collected during 2008 from a survey administered to teachers at various educational stages. Results indicated that if the effects of other background variables were controlled, preschool teachers showed more professional growth behavior than teachers at other educational stages, suggesting that preschool teachers were more active in pursuit of improvement in professional knowledge and skills. Teachers teaching at junior high or elementary educational stages were generally less active in pursuit of professional growth. Further analyses also revealed that teaching locus of control and many job characteristics had a significant effect on teachers' professional growth behavior. Preschool teachers tended to significantly have more internal locus of control, higher job autonomy and professionalism, more compliance of students, and higher harmony in the workplace. As a result, they were more active and dedicated to professional growth than teachers at other educational stages.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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