


The Life Story of a Taiwanese Female Intermarriage Migrant and Its Implications




林文川(Wen-Chuan Lin);吳麗君(Li-Juing Wu)


婚姻移民 ; 生命故事 ; 多元文化教育 ; intermarriage migration ; life story ; multicultural education




17卷1期(2014 / 01 / 01)


233 - 256






This research aims to investigate the life story of Xiyu, a Taiwanese girl who married a British man and later migrated to England. This emic view of a Taiwanese girl’s intermarriage migration sheds light on our understanding of the current issues that female intermarriage migrants have struggled within the local community in Taiwan. Findings and implications are as follows. First, examining the life story is a "win-win" move involving cognitive and affective growth for both researchers and the researched as beneficiaries. Then, from cross-cultural perspectives, Xiyu’s story helps us to view the issues that might-have-been-taken-for-granted pertaining to the cultural conflicts and accommodation of the foreign brides in Taiwan. This life story cuts across time and space beyond the individual can plane. It makes a close link possible to the emic life and an educational research. Findings of this research also shed light on the issues of multicultural education regarding the female intermarriage migration in the local community in Taiwanese.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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