
Web 2.0科技融入大學協作式課程之研究:使用探究社群模型比較Wiki融入與線上討論教學


Collaborative Learning with a Web 2.0 Technology-Integrated University Course: Differences in the Presence of a CoI Model between Wiki-Integrated and Asynchronous Discussions




劉建人(Chien-Jen Liu);楊淑晴(Shu-Ching Yang)


混成式學習 ; 線上討論 ; 探究社群 ; 數位教材 ; 科技融入教學 ; blended-learning ; online discussion ; community of inquiry ; digital content ; technology-integrated learning




17卷2期(2014 / 04 / 01)


167 - 195




本研究擬驗證「探究社群模型(CoI)」問卷,並用以比較二種Web 2.0科技融入大學「數位教材設計」協作式課程教學策略的效果是否有顯著差異(「融入Wiki混成式學習」vs.「線上討論學習」),並使用Smart PLS結構方程工具進行模式探索。研究結果發現「融入Wiki混成式學習」組學生在知覺教學(TP)、認知(CP)與社交(SP)三面向均顯著高於「線上討論學習」組;再者TP直接影響SP與CP,並分別具有76%與57%的預測力;另外,SP亦直接影響CP,具有34%的預測力。TP可以解釋SP達到59%的變異量,TP與SP共同可以解釋CP達72%的變異量,均具有高度的解釋力。本結果亦印證過去學者的研究TP是影響CP與SP的關鍵角色,尤其TP對SP具備非常高的預測力,進而間接影響CP。此外,比較兩種教學策略對CoI模型的結構無顯著差異。


This study is to verify the Community of Inquiry (CoI) questionnaire. By using this, it also compares the learning effects from two Web 2.0 technologies integrated into a collaborative teaching in a university course designed with digital contents. The SmartPLS tool from Structural Equation Model (SEM) was employed to explore the CoI model. The findings show that the perceived teaching, cognitive and social presences in "Wiki-integrated blended learning" are with significant differences higher than that in "online discussion learning." Teaching presence (TP) directly affects the social presence (SP) and cognitive presence (CP) with 76% and 57% respectively of predictive power. The SP also directly affects CP with 34% of predictive power. TP can explain 59% of the variance in SP, whereas TP and SP, taken together, explain 72% of the variance in CP, providing a high degree of explanatory power. The results also confirm that TP is a key role affecting CP and SP in the past studies. However, the two teaching strategies within the CoI structure didn’t show any significant differences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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