Curriculum mapping is a procedure for reviewing and improving the operational curriculum when an electronic database goes with any education setting, Schools and universities now are using curriculum templates that display key components of the curriculum: content, skills, assessments, and other essential elements. In Taiwan, the Ministry of Education encourages colleges and universities to implement curriculum mapping procedure along with competence indicators and learning assessment through projects of general education reform, pursuing university teaching excellence, and university evaluation. This paper discusses some important keys for success in this approach, including operational curriculum recording, curriculum alignment across grade levels and subjects, team work of teachers and administrators, bottom-up reform model, immediate or long-term action for improvement, continuous review process, etc. Furthermore, this paper analyzes possible problems faced in curriculum mapping process, such as teacher worries, planed curriculum based enquiry, competition school culture, top-down reform model, technical- oriented concentration., It is found that curriculum mapping requires a necessary shift in these problems.
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