


Where Does the Curriculum Map Guide University Curriculum to Go? A Review of University Curriculum Mapping




王嘉陵(Chia-Ling Wang)


課程地圖 ; 大學課程 ; 課程發展 ; curriculum mapping ; curriculum map ; university curriculum ; curriculum development




17卷3期(2014 / 07 / 01)


23 - 38






The aim of this paper is to answer the question: "Where does the curriculum map guide university curriculum to go?", and to review the current development of curriculum mapping in higher education. For this purpose, first, this paper I analyzes the functions of curriculum mapping and the reason why universities need a curriculum map. Regarding the educational policy, curriculum mapping is a way of governing university curriculum. Secondly, some limitations of the application of curriculum mapping are presented. The theoretical background of curriculum mapping is rooted in the idea of outcome-based education. Its concept and possible problems in practices have been also considered. Thirdly, after the discussions, the nature of curriculum mapping is a mechanism of curriculum development has been concluded as a more appropriate way in looking at the curriculum mapping. Finally, some implications and suggestions about the curriculum mapping have also been included.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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