


Implementing the Curriculum Policy of Crucial Issues: An Analysis of an Elementary Teacher's Individual Sense-Making




葉明政(Ming-Cheng Yeh)


釋意 ; 政策實施 ; 課程政策 ; 重大議題 ; sensemaking ; policy implementation ; curriculum policy ; crucial issues




17卷4期(2014 / 10 / 01)


173 - 205




本研究根據Karl Weick、David Cohen與James Spillane等學者的論述,奠基於認知觀點來理解重大議題課程政策實施問題。本研究採取質性研究傳統的個案研究策略,藉由訪談與文件分析,探討一位女性小學老師(施老師,匿名)如何對重大議題課程政策產生釋意,關注個案教師如何對課程政策訊息賦予意義,以及這些意義如何影響其後續教學作為,並進一步分析影響其釋意的因素。本研究主要發現施老師多以原有心智模式來面對重大議題課程政策(不論課綱微調前後皆然),且其釋意深受個人因素之影響。最後,本研究據此提出若干建議,以為重大議題課程政策決策者之參考。


The study is situated within a cognitive framework for understanding the problematic implementation of the curriculum policy of the crucial issues (CPCI) and draws upon insights by Karl Weick, David Cohen, and James Spillane. Building upon the ideas of those scholars, this study adopts qualitative case study as research strategy, and draws on interviews and document reviews, to explore how an elementary female teacher (Teacher Shi, anonymous) makes sense of the CPCI, and focuses on how she constructs the meaning of the curriculum policy messages and her own behavior, and analysis of what factors impact on her sensmaking. This study discovers Teacher Shi chooses to interpret and enact the CPCI with her original mental models, and her sensemaking of the CPCI was deeply influenced by her personal factors. Finally, further suggestions were offered basing on the above conclusions. Hopefully, this study will provide valuable reference for the policymakers of CPCI.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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