


A Longitudinal Study of Creative Role Identity Verification for Beginning Teachers: An Identity Control Theory Perspective




陳玉樹(Yu-Shu Chen);姜雅玲(Ya-Ling Chiang)


角色認定檢證 ; 創意教學角色認定 ; 創意教學行為 ; 認定控制理論 ; role identity verification ; creative teaching role identity ; creative teaching behavior ; identity control theory




18卷1期(2015 / 01 / 01)


147 - 179






The main purposes of this study were to explore the convergent effect of the discrepancy of creative teaching role identity verification, and to analyze how the discrepancy influences on the change of role identity standard and behavior of creative teaching. Using longitudinal research design, the data collected combines all four waves of data for the study. The researchers run Latent Change Model (LCM) and Latent Autoregression Model (LAM) to test hypotheses. The results revealed that the discrepancy of creative teaching role identity verification: (1) showed a convergent effect over time, (2) had positive effects on the change of creative teaching role identity standard, and (3) it (T2) had a negative effect on the change of creative teaching behavior (T3-T2).

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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