


The Relationships Among Levels of Concerns About Big Question, Mindset, Habits of Reading, and Psychological Adjustment of Adolescents in Taiwan




唐淑華(Shu-Hua Tang);蔡孟寧(Meng-Ning Tsai);林烘煜(Hung-Yu Lin)


大問題 ; 閱讀習慣與態度 ; 學習信念 ; 課業壓力因應 ; 心理適應 ; big question ; habits and attitudes of reading ; mindset ; academic stress coping ; psychological adjustment




18卷2期(2015 / 04 / 01)


1 - 25






This research aims at exploring how adolescents perceive big questions, how those perceptions are related to their psychological adjustment, and whether their concerns would differ with different mindsets (the growth mindset vs. the fixed mindset). A survey with a sample of 884 junior high students across 18 schools in different areas of Taiwan was conducted to explore the relationships. The results showed that students in Taiwan were indeed quite concerned about both educational and life domains of big questions. The degree of these concerns was positively related to their ratings of hope, calmly coping, and beliefs in incremental theory. However, students who were highly concerned about the education-related issues were conversely lower in their self-esteem. Moreover, students who held the fixed mindset of intelligence read less, enjoyed reading less, and thought less about big questions. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that educators should infuse the coping strategies in terms of the reappraisal process in the school curriculum and instruction. Students' fixed mindset of intelligence also should be challenged on the regular basis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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