


Exploring Urban Aboriginal Students' Western Views about the Nature of Science




許綺婷(Chi-Ting Hsu)


科學本質觀 ; 都市原住民學生 ; 族群認同 ; the nature of science ; urban aboriginal student ; ethnic identity




18卷2期(2015 / 04 / 01)


125 - 167






The aim of this study was to explore the western views about the nature of science based on the family background and the ethnic identity. Employing the two-dimensional model of acculturation theory, the study interviewed three 12th- grade urban aboriginal students about their ethnic identity differences. A semi-structured interview was also employed to find out their perception about the nature of science. The results were listed as follows: (1) the student dominated by the family background and the mainstream schooling had weaker ethnic identity, and his views about the nature of science revealed a single western view, (2) the student who had stronger ethnic identity owned multiple views about the nature of science. Both the western science and the indigenous science were included in his view of science, and (3) although the student who had strong ethnic identity in indigenous culture but not in indigenous science did not include indigenous science in his view of science, he still held some indigenous worldviews about the nature of science. Accordingly, school teachers were recommended to promote urban aboriginal students' understanding about the nature of science and enhance their ethnic identity by teaching indigenous science.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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