


A Framework of Curriculum on Raising Counselors Comfort to Discuss Sexuality with Clients




李珣(Hsun Lee);林燕卿(Yen-Chin Lin)


人類性學 ; 性自在 ; 性諮商 ; 諮商教育 ; counselor education ; human sexuality ; sexuality comfort ; sexuality counseling




18卷4期(2015 / 10 / 01)


137 - 159






The purpose of this study was to understand and construct the training program of human sexuality for counselors in Taiwan. The report can be used by the program as a pragmatic guide in raising comfort level for counselors to discuss sexuality with clients. Literature review and Delphi Technique were used on to study the topics for the training program for counselors. Eleven essential teaching topics for the program, found by 22 experts, were stated as the followings: (1) being aware and examining one’s own attitude, value, faith, myth and behavior toward sexuality; (2) having adequate knowledge of the various aspects of human sexuality; (3) transference and countertransference in counseling sessions; (4) using accurate language of sexuality; (5) the ethics of sexuality counseling; (6) the influence of family, society and culture to counselor in sexuality; (7) sexual abuse, rape, violence, and harassment; (8) self-protection; (9) practice of sexual counseling; (10) gender identity; (11) exploring the development and experience of counselors in sexuality. Based on the results, the researchers proposed conclusions and suggestions for further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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