


Learning of Changing, Loosening and Crossing the Boundaries: When the College Students Meet Sex Workers




劉杏元(Hsing-Yuan Liu);張盈堃(Yin-Kun Chang);徐瑩媺(Ying-Mei Shu)


性工作 ; 社會正義取向服務學習課程 ; 大學生 ; sex work ; social justice service-learning curriculum ; college students




19卷1期(2016 / 01 / 01)


107 - 133






This qualitative study used a purposive sampling. There were twenty four college students, majoring in nursing from a science and technology university, participated a social justice service-learning curriculum and finished sixteen hours community service in northern Taiwan. The data were collected through the participants' observation, students' reflection journals and an interview to the focus group. The main findings revealed that the learning journey of crossing the social boundaries, and the conversation of life began after the college students met the sex workers. The students touched the boundaries, paced up and down the boundaries. They tried to negotiate with themselves, destroyed, moved, or even crossed the boundaries. They learned to regard the sex workers with a different viewpoint. Through this study, we found that it is necessary for educators to bring up the critical consciousness of stigma on sex work, and to build a society in which people could respect pluralism and accept differences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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