


A Place Pedagogy Approach to the Curriculum and Instruction of Cross-cutting Issues




洪如玉(Ru-Yu Hung)


跨議題 ; 環境教育 ; 人權教育 ; 地方 ; 地方教育學 ; cross-cutting issues ; environmental education ; human rights education ; place ; place pedagogy




19卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


83 - 102






This paper aimed to explore the possibility of developing a place pedagogy approach to the curriculum and instruction of cross-cutting issues. It began with the explication of the concept of place and place pedagogy, followed by an investigation on the meaning of various issues in education in relation to the concept of place. Taking human rights education and environmental education for example, the paper then illustrated on ways to develop a place-pedagogy-based philosophy of curriculum and instruction, where human rights and environmental issues could be incorporated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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