


Textbook Research Methodology: Towards a Pluralistic Paradigm




周珮儀(Pei-I Chou);鄭明長(Ming-Chang Cheng)


典範 ; 研究方法 ; 混合研究 ; 教科書研究 ; paradigm ; research methods ; mixed methods ; textbook research




19卷3期(2016 / 07 / 01)


1 - 26






In the early stage, textbook-related research was often normative and its methodology issues were seldom addressed. Recently, there has been a trend where textbook research is regarded as scientific research and a theoretical framework for textbook research is proposed, manifesting its ambition to develop a scientific paradigm for textbook methodology. However, there are still many issues of textbook research that cannot be classified based on the theoretical framework. At the same time, more extensive, complex, multiple textbooks issues and textbook research are emerging. On one hand, the research attempts to interchange ideas with the scientific textbook research. On the other, it also aims to promote the traditional textbook research which lacks methodology to develop more refined and systematic theoretical framework and research methodology. Viewing textbooks from different perspectives means not only the different focuses of the problems in textbooks, but also the different choices of research methods. Because the latest perspectives on textbooks have changed from the traditional ones, the present study analyzed the development and the evolution of textbook research. With the claim of pluralistic paradigm in textbook methodology, the present study provided diverse and flexible research instruments and different types of mixed methods designs based on the features of textbooks, offering alternative solutions to the increasingly complicated and diverse problems in textbook research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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