


A Study of Developmental Process and Learning Outcomes in Service-Learning Curriculum Focusing on Social Issues




劉若蘭(Ruo-Lan Liu)


服務學習課程 ; 課程發展歷程 ; 學習成果 ; service learning course ; developmental process of course practice ; learning outcome




19卷3期(2016 / 07 / 01)


113 - 138






This study investigated the relationships among developmental process of service-learning, agency evaluation, and college students' learning outcomes in a service-learning course. The research adopted quantitative and qualitative assessments to examine the learning outcomes and the possible factors related. The 41 participants, 7 males and 34 females, were the college students who attended the course during the 2012 academic year. The research tool, a questionnaire, included items of the quality of course practice, study outcomes, and the agency evaluation. In addition, student reflections and service journals were also collected during the course. The results turning out include: (a) In quality of course practice, "reflection" and "celebration" were the significant predictors for all learning outcome with an explanatory power ranging from 60% to 67%. However, the agency evaluation has no significant effect on any outcomes. (b) From the qualitative analysis, five topics emerged include: 1. Students noticing the reasons behind the problems of people being served; 2. Students being freed from their traditional thoughts; and 3. Students learning a problem-solving skill after getting frustrated; 4. Students generating commitments and a sense of mission towards the learning-service; 5. realizing a devotion required for the service. These could be referred to for a better teaching in the future when a similar course gets conducted.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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