


Learning English by Storytelling: The Effects of Implementing Differentiated Instruction on Rural Junior High School Students




李崗(Kang Lee);徐美雲(Mei-Yun Hsu)


說故事 ; 英語學習 ; 差異化教學 ; 偏鄉教育 ; storytelling ; English language learning ; differentiated instruction ; rural education




19卷4期(2016 / 10 / 01)


159 - 189




本文旨在探討一位偏鄉國中英語教師,運用說故事活動實施差異化教學的結果。主要基於個案研究的立場,運用參與觀察、文件分析、深入訪談三種方法蒐集研究資料;研究對象包括1 位老師和18 位七年級學生,其中有12 位原住民與6 位客家人。研究結果簡述如下:首先,個案教師採取「創作週期」作為課程設計的核心理念,邀請學生走出教室,講故事給別人聽。其次,學生的英語學習動機之所以能大幅提昇,主要原因可歸納為七點。進而,建構七項指標進行英語學習成效的分析。最後,綜合評估說故事影響英語學習的關鍵因素為以下五點:一是真實情境,二是同儕楷模,三是合作學習,四是授權賦能,五是自我反思。


This study is to explore the effects of implementing differentiated instruction on junior high students in a rural town in Taiwan. Participants included one teacher and eighteen seventh-graders, among them twelve aboriginal and six Hakka, from a single class. With a case study applied, data were gathered from observation, document analysis, and in-depth participant interview. The "Authoring Cycle," as the core curriculum in the research, has been found to affirmatively correlate to participants' motivation increase in joining the storytelling out of campus, resulted with positive affects on learners' English learning. More explanations were discussed based on the research findings how students' motivation and learning effectiveness got improved. Relationship to key factors affecting English learning, like authentic learning situation, peer modeling, cooperative learning, empowerment, and self-reflection have also been examined.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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